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Information to Include in a Data Request

Sometimes data cannot be accessed without explicit permission from the data holder. We’ve prepared some tips for you when requesting data so that you have the greatest chance of success. Consider including these items in your data request:

Project description

What are you studying

Project objectives

Outline the goals, objectives or rationale of your project

Key players

Who will be involved in the project? Be sure to include university affiliations, government affiliations, etc.

Data usage

In what way will you use the data? Why will using this data help your study?

Data requirements

Think about what data you need (data fields, extent, etc.). Sometimes the data provider may have recommendations based on the information you provide them.

Reference or citation

How will you give credit to the people that provided the data?

How results will be shared or published

Will your results be shared in a journal, thesis or presentation?

Data sharing requirements

Think about any requirements that may exist for you to receive data. Are willing to sign an NDA or data sharing agreement?

Contact information

Your contact information. Are you the primary contact?