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The 2020 AAFC Land Use is a culmination and curated metaanalysis of several high-quality spatial datasets produced between 1990 and 2021 using a variety of methods by teams of researchers as techniques and capabilities have evolved.
A national crop inventory
The Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre (AC CDC) compiles and provides objective data about biological diversity in Atlantic Canada.
An open access hub for sharing water data. Our mission is to promote knowledge sharing and advance collaborative water stewardship.
Estimates of climate for Canada
Standardized distribution maps for over 33,500 species of fishes, marine mammals and invertebrates.
ArcGIS Hub is an easy-to-configure community engagement platform that organizes people, data, and tools through information-driven initiatives.
Migratory bird data-driven and model-based science and products.
Marine data layers for ecological modelling.
Canadian human footprint map that combines twelve different anthropogenic pressures and identify intact and modified lands and ecosystems across the country.
A landing page to take you to pre-filtered results for maps housed within the GEOSCAN database, Canada’s Open Government platform or other Government of Canada web pages.
A site that links to all Canadian Open Data (sites that offer data downloads at no cost and without restrictions), free geospatial data, online web mapping applications and other sources of geospatial information (including National, Provincial and Municipal levels).
Search open data that is relevant to Canadians, learn how to work with datasets, and see what people have done with open data across the country.
To encourage ongoing synthesis and minimise duplication of efforts, we initiated CAN-SAR: a database of Canadian Species at Risk information.
The Christmas Bird Count is an early-winter bird census, where thousands of volunteers across the US, Canada and many countries in the Western Hemisphere, go out over a 24 hour period to count birds.
The Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System is Canada’s nucleus for integrated ocean science and observing activities.
The Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) is a powerful open-access platform for sharing information about the state of our oceans.
The Canada Land Inventory is a comprehensive multi-disciplinary land inventory of rural Canada, covering over 2.5 million square kilometers of land and water.
The Climate Data Guide provides concise and reliable information on the strengths and limitations of the key observational data sets, tools and methods used to evaluate (or initialize or force) Earth system models and to understand the climate system.
ClimateNA is an application that downscales gridded monthly climate normal data to scale-free point locations.
Providing free and open marine data and services to enable marine policy implementation, support Blue growth and scientific innovation.
High Resolution Digital Aerial Photography
The Coastal & Ocean Information Network Atlantic (COINAtlantic) is a non-governmental organization based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, dedicated to supporting coastal and marine spatial planning and decision-making through open data management and information sharing.
This dataset displays the geographic areas within which critical habitat (CH) for terrestrial species at risk, listed on Schedule 1 of the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA), occurs in Canada.
The Dalhousie GIS Centre is building a portal of datasets they manage.
A guide to library resources in oceanography.
Making data more discoverable, accessible, & usable
eBird is an online database of bird observations providing scientists, researchers and amateur naturalists with real-time data about bird distribution and abundance.
EcoSIS is a useful tool for finding spectral data.
The Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) provides key services and technical expertise to the scientific community that ensure environmental and ecological data are well curated and accessible for discovery and re-use well into the future.
A collection of data from various research projects.
A project to systematically identify and describe stand-level forest ecosystems in Nova Scotia.
Estimating and mapping forest age across Canada's forested ecosystems.
Citizen science project to monitor frogs.
Predicted Acid Deposition Critical Load Exceedances Across Canada From A One Year Simulation With A Regional Particulate Matter Model.
Free and open access to biodiversity data.
The Nature Conservancy's central portal for geospatial content.
Connecting global change resources
The data catalogue contains a list of the geographic datasets that are available for download.
Interactive Maps of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Mineral Occurrences, Claims, Drill Core, Reports, and Maps for Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Global Forest Watch partnership contributes data, technology, expertise and action to ensure that transparency drives greater accountability for how the world’s remaining forest landscapes are managed and used.
The Halifax Water Hydrant and Catchbasin Interactive Mapping website contains four interactive layers and a basemap layer; Halifax Water hydrants, Other hydrants, Halifax Water catchbasins, Other catchbasins, and Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM)’s ‘Halifax Base Map’.
iNaturalist is a social network of naturalists, citizen scientists, and biologists built on the concept of mapping and sharing observations of biodiversity across the globe.
The US. long-term ecological research network consists of 28 research programs with a rich history of ecological inquiry and collaboration.
Map of Life endeavors to provide ‘best-possible’ species range information and species lists for any geographic area
Movebank is a free, online database of animal tracking data.
Point counts of breeding birds along transects across North America
The National Air Photo Library (NAPL) of Natural Resources Canada archives over 6 million aerial photographs covering all of Canada, some of which date back to the 1920s.
The North Atlantic right whale consortium databases.
NASA Earth science data are vital components of investigations into biological diversity, species distribution, and ecological conservation.
Native Land is an app to help map Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages.
NatureWatch is your home page for fun, easy-to-use environmental monitoring programs that encourage you to learn about the environment while gathering the information that scientists need to monitor and protect it.
An enhanced version of the forest inventory.
Data accessed through the URLs on this page is drawn directly from our geodatabase at the time of access. As such, it represents the most current data the department has available at the time of access.
The Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development completes a highly detailed inventory of the forest to determine what the forest looks like across the province’s landscape.
NCC's Aquatic Connectivity Tool for the Northern Appalachian - Acadian Region of Canada is designed to assess the relative impacts of aquatic barriers across watersheds in the Maritimes and eastern Quebec.
The ARA provides a framework for conserving and restoring the ecological integrity of freshwater ecosystems.
This gallery showcases the Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC) Freshwater Conservation Blueprint for the Northern Appalachian–Acadian Region of Canada.
NCC's Freshwater Resilience for the Northern Appalachian - Acadian Region GIS dataset is designed to spatially identify functionally connected networks that are most likely to be resilient in the face of climate change, and therefore maintain their full suite of biodiversity.
This dataset contains version 2 of the Stream Classification for the Northern Appalachian – Acadian Region of Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and eastern Quebec) and cross-border watersheds of the United States (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York)
NCC's Watershed Health Assessment (WHA) for the Northern Appalachian-Acadian Region of Canada is designed to achieve three main objectives.
The National Forest Inventory (NFI) is being implemented to assess and monitor the extent, state, and sustainable development of Canada's forests in a timely and accurate manner.
The National Hydro Network (NHN) focuses on providing a quality geometric description and a set of basic attributes describing Canada's inland surface waters.
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information is responsible for preserving, monitoring, assessing, and providing public access to the Nation's treasure of geophysical data and information.
Search for and locate maps, base data and indices at various available scales, and geographic areas around Nova Scotia including aerial photography, orthophotos, etc.
A Distribution System for discovering and downloading freely available LIDAR Elevation data and derived products.
An Ecological Land Classification is a mapping tool that identifies and describes areas of similar enduring physical attributes.
Forestry GIS data
I am setting up this website to help me organize information and my thinking about forests and forestry in Nova Scotia. I have spent 10+ years studying the natural history of our forests.
The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (NSNR&R) forest inventory program monitors many elements of today's natural resources and thereby captures changes over time.
A collection of data such as forest inventories, county boundaries, topography, grid shift files, and marine aquaculture.
A single geographic compilation of geoscience maps, databases and images created and maintained by the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, Geoscience and Mines Branch.
The Nova Scotia Groundwater Atlas is an interactive map with information on water wells and groundwater resources within the province.
The Nova Scotia Hydrographic Network is an enhanced version of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database's Water Features theme.
Making government data easier to access for individuals, businesses, and researchers.
Predictive ecosystem mapping for Nova Scotia: a hierarchical classification standard.
The Provincial Landscape Viewer is a mapping tool developed by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to provide easy access to ecological landscape data, along with forestry and wildlife information for natural resource planning and management.
Interactive map that provides details about existing and proposed parks and protected areas.
The WAM model predicts where water will naturally flow and/or accumulate in the landscape based on digital elevation (DEM) data and the known location of surface water bodies and wetlands.
The National Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring System was developed by the Canadian Forest Service to provide national-scale baseline information on Canada's forested ecosystems.
OBIS is a global open-access data and information clearing-house on marine biodiversity for science, conservation and sustainable development.
This website hosts an annually updated database of scientific surveys in the United States and Canada, providing tools for exploring changes in marine fish and invertebrate distributions.
Products within the Open Data webpage consist of datasets, which are collections of data, and the applications built from these datasets.
Making government data available, accessible, and re-usable
Discover the ocean. Understand the planet. Advancing our knowledge of the ocean at a critical time.
Various open data sets of multiple species
The Polar Data Catalogue is a CoreTrustSeal Certified Repository of metadata and data that describes and provides access to diverse data sets generated by Arctic and Antarctic researchers.
This site explores the relationship between plants and climate across Canada.
Pl@ntNet is a citizen science project available as an app that helps you identify plants thanks to your pictures.
Canadian research data repositories in re3data: A collaborative effort to increase visibility and foster community engagement
37 tree species mapped over forest-dominated ecosystems of Canada.
The UBC Fish Collection holds over 850,000 specimens and over 50,000 DNA and tissue samples making it the third-largest fish collection in Canada.
Spatial environmental datasets generated for research purposes: incident photosynthetically active radiation, growing degree days (an index of heat accumulation), and soil water content.
usSEABED provides integrated data from small and large marine research efforts by many entities.
This feature layer depicts the watershed boundaries of Canada and provides a detailed look at drainage areas and water flow for the entire land mass of Canada.
Climate modelling data.
Anyone collecting camera trap photos can upload them to Wildlife Insights. Photos are stored online so you can access them from anywhere, from any device or computer, even out in the field.
A platform to manage, store, process, share and discover biological and environmental data.
Maps, graphs, tables, and data of the global climate